

Welcome to the official online home for T444!  We have active troops for boys and girls with approximately 75 scouts and a dedicated group of adult leaders.

Our mission is to help scouts learn, develop and grow in a safe, caring environment and to help families bring up moral, civic-minded leaders. We will place the well-being of the scouts ahead of any other considerations and we will respect the needs of our constituent families at all times.

This Week, 2/2 through 2/8/25

Posted on Feb 1 2025 - 11:02pm

COURT OF HONOR 2/3 - SIGN UP FOR RECEPTION:  Please sign up to bring an item for the reception after this Monday's Court of Honor, which will be held in the AUMC Sanctuary at 7:30.  If you are participating as a leader, speaker or other role in the Court of Honor, please arrive no later than 7pm.  

- Sign up here: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10C084BA9AC28A5FF2-54832710-2325#/


 444B CAMPOUT, FEB. 7-9: Come join us for the annual Troop 444 shooting campout, Feb. 7-9 at Camp Wisdom. We will meet at the Scout Hut at 6pm on Feb. 7, and return around noon on Feb. 9. We will be at the Beaver Way campsite, which is a short walk to the range. Range safety and other training to cover rifle shooting merit badge requirements will be provided Saturday morning, and the range will be open all afternoon for scouts to practice. Trained range safety officers will provide supervision to ensure a safe environment for all participants. Signup will be $10 to cover the cost of ammunition and other supplies, in addition to the usual weekend campout fees paid directly to your patrol grubmaster.

- Sign up here: https://my.cheddarup.com/c/t444/items/item/6735146?cart


444G URBAN ADVENTURE, FEB. 22: Meet on Saturday, Feb. 22 at the Hut at 9:30 am (we will leave no later than 10 am) to carpool to Fair Park, a State and National Historic Landmark has the largest collection of 1930s Art Deco exposition style architecture in the United States located on 277 acres of beautifully landscaped grounds. Over 5.3 million people visit Fair Park annually attending over 1200 special events, sporting events, concerts, performances and the State Fair of Texas.

- Sign up here: https://my.cheddarup.com/c/t444/items/item/6817693?cart

This Week, 1/26 through 1/31

Posted on Jan 25 2025 - 11:41pm
444B shooting campout: Sign up is open for our annual shooting campout, which will be held this year from Feb. 7-9 at Camp Wisdom.  This one is also open to all scouts/registered adults - even if you don't want to shoot, just come camp with us!
Lastly, reminder that all rank advancement and merit badge updates must be in by Jan. 27 in to be included in the Court of Honor on February 3. 

This Week, 1/19-1/25/25

Posted on Jan 19 2025 - 1:11pm

Monday 1/20 Meetings:  There is still a 444G/B troop meeting on Monday 1/20 despite the school holiday.  Two important notes:

Cooking MB: Mrs. Schwope will be teaching the first part of the Cooking merit badge from 7-8pm; this is open to ALL scouts (from both B and G troops) and you don't have to be signed up for the merit badge at 444B campout to attend.  For those who ARE signed up for the badge and will be cooking at the campout, grubmaster planning will be from 8-8:45pm Monday after Mrs. Schwope's class.

-  Communications MB: Mr. Grossman will be covering a few items for those who have signed up for communications for the 444B campout, from 7:30-8:30pm.  For those wanting to do a campfire or Scout's Own service, please start reviewing the requirements for those in your scout book. Mr. Grossman will set up review times for scouts to send him things for approval prior to the start of the campout. 


Committee Meeting:  There will be a parent committee meeting via Zoom on Sunday 1/19 at 8pm.  The Zoom link is in the calendar entry for the meeting.


Order of the Arrow notation in Scoutbook:  If your scout has become an OA member in the past three years, please send Mr. Hart the OA callout and ordeal dates and he will update that information in Scoutbook so your scout's Scoutbook profile will display the OA banner.


Court of Honor:  Our next Court of Honor will be Monday, Feb. 3 at 7:30.  If your scouts are close to completing a rank, be sure to get scoutmaster conferences scheduled as soon as you can.  All advancements (Board of Review, etc.) must be complete and submitted by Monday, Jan. 27 to be included in the Court of Honor. Thanks!


Summer Camp:  Watch your inbox for summer camp signup coming in the next week or two!

This Week, 1/12-18

Posted on Jan 11 2025 - 11:00pm

Happy New Year, 444 Families!

Please sign up for our upcoming campouts ASAP:

444B: The January troop campout will be a winter cabin event - and a chance to earn several more merit badges! Join us Jan. 24-26 at the Lodge at Springhill Retreat Center for a fun weekend of troop camaraderie, learning and even some cheerful service!  Scouts will have the opportunity to work on Cooking, Personal Management, Citizenship in the Community, Citizenship in the Nation and Communications Eagle-required merit badges from certified merit badge counselors.  And we'll also have some fun stuff, including campfire and cooking activities.

-- Sign up here: https://my.cheddarup.com/c/t444/items/item/6699743?cart


 444G: Come join 444G at Cleburne State Park for a fun weekend of camping. Possible activities offered will be Eagle required merit badge courses, hiking, patrol cookoff, etc. TBD by the upcoming PLC meeting. We will have access to the camp group site as well as the group day use facility (Cedar Lodge) which has heat, kitchens, meeting rooms, etc.

-- Sign up here: https://my.cheddarup.com/c/t444/items/item/6701871?cart


 Court of Honor:  Our next Court of Honor will be Monday, Feb. 3 at 7:30.  If your scouts are close to completing a rank, be sure to get scoutmaster conferences scheduled as soon as you can.  All advancements (Board of Review, etc.) must be complete and submitted by Monday, Jan. 27 to be included in the Court of Honor. Thanks!


Summer Camp:  Watch your inbox for summer camp signup coming in the next week or two!

Scout Hut Inventory/Cleanup Sunday 12/8

Posted on Dec 7 2024 - 10:38pm

This Sunday we will meet at the scout hut at 2pm to make sure we have finished prepping chuck boxes and tents and other gear for Winter Camp - but this is open to ALL scouts and adults who want to help. We will have hot cocoa available AND the first 10 scouts to arrive will get a prize! 

Ripley's troop event - Dec. 14 - RSVPs needed

Posted on Dec 7 2024 - 10:37pm
RIPLEY'S EVENT 12/14:  This fun daytime activity for T444 B&G will be held on Saturday, December 14 at Ripley's Believe It Or Not (601 East Palace Parkway, Grand Prarie, TX 75050).
Meet at the Hut on Saturday at 1 pm and we'll arrive at Ripley's around 1:30 pm. We'll return to the Hut between 5-5:30 pm. Cost includes:
  • Entry to Ripley's Believe It Or Not
  • Entry to Louis Tussaud's Wax Museum- and each person gets to make a wax hand to keep
  • Enchanted Mirror Maze
  • 7D Moving Theater
  • Laser Race
  • Snacks, drinks
  • Group photo for each person to keep
Eat lunch before you arrive. Parents, please note if you're willing to help transport youth and if so, how many seats you'd have for Scouts.